This is just too cool: The Period Table Printmaking Project
Ninety-seven printmakers of all experience levels, have joined together to produce 118 prints in any medium; woodcut, linocut, monotype, etching, lithograph, silkscreen, or any combination. The end result is a periodic table of elements intended to promote both science and the arts.
by Natalia MorozAbout the Element
For Tin, a silvery-white metal, the chemical element of atomic number 50. (Symbol: Sn), I pictured The Steadfast Tin Soldier from the classic fairy tale by Hans Christian Anderson.About the Print
I also added more tins on the background. It’s a four color linocut, gray, red and blue printed using the jigsaw method, overprinted with black. Printed with Daniel Smith oil based inks on white Rising Stonehenge paper.
And here’s a Flickr group with alternate versions and work-in-progress shots.
* Got any links to other cool art projects out there in the intertubes? Please let us know in the comments.
P.S. Seven more days to go until we pick a winner in Uncle John’s 2010 Census Contest. Have you filled yours out yet?