Announcing the Bathroom Reading Month Scavenger Hunt Winners!!!

July 12, 2010

Dear brave souls that participated in our scavenger hunt:

We thank you all for taking the time to research, take pictures, and get creative with each of our clues. Over the next couple of weeks, we will share some of the awesome pictures/answers with you all. As promised, the winners have been picked and notified. And…here they are:

Grand-prize winner (iPad):
Anna Harmon

Runner Ups (10 signed Uncle John’s Bathroom Readers):
Mary Jane Crewe
Brian Breslin
James King

Here are the answers to each of the clues:

  1. Take a picture of your bathroom.
    Answer: Varies
  2. Send us the headline and link of the 1st Neatorama blog post of 2010.
  3. What is the age of the woman who bungee jumped with her dad in one of our earlier blogs from this year?
    Answer: 62 years old
  4. Take a friend or loved one to a home supply store, go to the bathroom department, and photograph the two of you having a “lightsaber fight” with plungers. (If you get in trouble, then we don’t know you.)
    Answer: Varies
  5. The back cover of which Bathroom Reader has a wine glass?
    Answer: Uncle John’s Triumphant 20th Anniversary Bathroom Reader
  6. Go to your local bookstore and take a picture in front of the shelf of Uncle John’s books. If the store doesn’t carry the books, take a picture of yourself holding a sign saying “Bring Uncle John’s to this store.”
    Answer: Varies
  7. What was the top grossing film of the year that the first edition of Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader was published. Hint: It also won the Oscars for Best Picture, Best Actor, and Best Director.
    Answer: Rain Man
  8. What is the 7th job listed in the “7 Jobs That Sound Like a Joke” blog post on
    Answer: Fart Smeller
  9. List 5 famous ducks and the source of their fame.
    Answer: Varies
  10. Find four actual town names that would make for good “bathroomy” puns. (Keep it clean, and make sure you send us the name of the town as well as the state or province it’s in, or just the country if it’s located outside of the U.S. or Canada.)
    Answer: Varies
  11. What the running foot (fact on the bottom of the page) on page 354 of Uncle John’s Endlessly Engrossing Bathroom Reader?
    Answer: 65% of test subjects have the urge to yawn after reading the word “yawn.”
  12. Arts and Crafts time: Get out your scissors and find some old newspapers and/or magazines. Cut out these four words: “Uncle” “John’s” “Bathroom” “Reader” (make sure all four words are in a different typeface). Paste them onto a piece of paper like a ransom note, and then either scan it or take a photo of it.
    Answer: Varies
  13. Send us a link to your second favorite website. Of course, we already know that we are your first and most favorite.
    Answer: Varies
  14. Happy Father’s Day! Celebrate this weekend by taking a picture of a dad. Yes, if you are a dad, a picture of yourself counts.
    Answer: Varies
  15. Tell us what your favorite thing is about your city? It could be a restaurant, park, store, or even your own street. Send us a link or a picture (Google images are accepted).
    Answer: Varies
  16. Wrap yourself in a roll of toilet paper (yes, you can have a friend or family member help you), take a picture, and send it to us with a caption.
    Answer: Varies
  17. Draw a funny picture inspired by your favorite Bathroom Reader article. Make sure to tell us the book and the page number of the article. Scan or take a picture of it and send it in. (Note: Stick figures are OK. We are no judging you on your artistic ability.)
    Answer: Varies
  18. Dress up your toilet and send us the photo—give it a crown, make it a ninja, do something that lets your toilet pretend to be something else for the day.
    Answer: Varies
  19. Search the depths of the Internet for an image of your dream throne. Is it made of gold? Does it have a built-in radio? Send us a link.
    Answer: Varies
  20. Other than the Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader series, what reading materials are a staple in your bathroom? Don’t worry, our feelings will not be hurt. We know you read a variety of things in there.
    Answer: Varies
  21. Send us the name of the designer/architect of the Toilet House in South Korea. Remember this?
    Answer: Ko Kiwoong
  22. Last clue. Warning: This is a hard one. Tell us which Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader is your favorite. Yes, you MUST narrow it down to one.
    Answer: Varies
