Introducing: “Uncle John’s Briefs” and giveaway!

August 19, 2010


The winner of the random drawing is: Weston Schnetz.

Thanks everyone for submitting your favorite facts. We had fun reading them.

Inside Uncle John’s Briefs are the most entertaining, myth-busting, and thought-provoking brief articles from Uncle John’s enormous Bathroom Reader library. So plunge in and see for yourself why the Bathroom Reader series has sold more than 10 million books.

Here is a bit of what awaits you…

  • Corn Crackos and other cereal flops
  • Baseball’s most bizarre injuries
  • The timeless wisdom of Mr. T
  • The origins of the warerbed, tarter sauce, and the polka
  • How to talk like a mobster
  • The anatomy of a hiccup

…and much, much more!

Now to the fun part—Giveaway!!!

Simply post your favorite Uncle John’s fact below (or on our post on the Facebook page) and be entered in a random drawing to win a copy of Uncle John’s Briefs. You have till Sunday at midnight (PST). We will pick a random winner on Monday.

Good luck!