Uncle John’s 25th Anniversary Giveaway

February 7, 2012


UPDATE 1/3/13: Our two winners are Leona C. and Christine P. They have both been contacted via email.


Here at the BRI, we are thrilled to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the greatest trivia series ever published. It is true that we love trivia and have some interesting discussions around the office. When we can’t agree on an answer, things can get a bit heated. (Who saw the picture of the head in our fridge that we posted on our Facebook page? That may, or may not, have been a former co-worker.)

The one thing that we will always agree on is that without our fans (hey, that’s you!) we wouldn’t be experiencing such amazing success. So, we want to thank you all for being fans by having a super easy, and extremely rewarding giveaway.

Two lucky winners will get 2 tickets of their choice to one of the following events (as long as they are not sold out. Max value $500/pair tickets):

  • 2 tickets to an NBA game of your choice
  • 2 tickets to Rihanna (touring Mar 8 – May 5)
  • 2 tickets to Pink (touring Feb 13 – Mar 28)
  • 2 tickets to Taylor Swift (touring Mar 15 – Sept 21)
  • 2 tickets to George Strait (touring Jan 18 – Jun 1)

Entering is EASY! Your only requirement is to sign up for our email newsletter. We promise not to spam you and always try our best to make our newsletter content interesting. If you are already on our email list, please make sure to enter the same email address that you did when initially signing up to ensure that you do not get duplicate content from us.

Fill out the form below before December 20, 2012 (11:59 PST). Winners will be picked and contacted in January 2013. Due to the complexity of contest rules in different countries, we are only able to open this giveaway up to US residents. Click for a complete set of rules.

Also, if you haven’t followed us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or StumbleUpon, here is your chance. Click on each to get to our pages.