June is Bathroom Reading Month: Giveaway #1

June 1, 2012

***CONTEST CLOSED! We’ll have the next one on Monday!***

Happy June is Bathroom Reading Month! Our 2012 celebration of this most important past-time will not disappoint. Every weekday during the month of June, we will giveaway a book of your choice to a random winner of that day’s question. You must post your answers on that day’s blog post before midnight PST of that day. We will pick a winner the following morning (Fridays winners will be picked on Monday) and post a new question.

Uncle John's 24-Karat Gold Bathroom ReaderQUESTION #1

What is your favorite Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader book?


Bathroom Quote of the Day

“If I want to be alone, some place I can write, I can read, I can pray, I can cry, I can do whatever I want – I go to the bathroom.” —Alicia Keys