Meet the BRI: Trina

November 7, 2012

Meet the Bathroom Reader StaffIn honor of our 25th anniversary, we think it might finally be time to introduce you to the people behind this amazing series. We will be posting brief interviews with each of the staff members throughout the month of November.

Today we want you to meet Trina.

Q. How long have you been with the BRI, and what do you do?

A. I’ve been with the BRI for 9 months. My job is to do the technical part of book production, layout, artwork, ebooks, all that geeky behind the scenes stuff. I am also known to play the occasional practical joke, update the Facebook page, and am the one who brings in the baked goods as a treat.

Q. What is your favorite part about working on Uncle John’s Bathroom Readers?

A. At other jobs I hated meetings. At the BRI, I love the meetings because they are always funny, and even casual conversation can lead to ideas for a new book or article. Also, the fans of the series have been great, if people know the Bathroom Reader, they love the bathroom reader, and don’t mind sharing their enthusiasm and excitement for our product.

Q. Which stall is the best: the first, the middle or the last?

A. It used to be the last, but now it’s the first. Why? Because I read in an Uncle John’s that the first stall is the cleanest stall!

Q. Complete this sentence: When life gives you lemons ______?

A. When life gives you lemons complain to the management and demand a selection of
alternative citrus fruits. I’m partial to a nice tangelo myself.