Australian Town Too Hot to Pump Gas

January 10, 2013


IT was so hot in the South Australian outback town of Oodnadatta yesterday that the local servo stopped selling petrol.

The Outback town has been sweltering through one of its great heatwaves with the temperature soaring above 40 degrees every day this year, reaching a peak of 48.2 degrees yesterday.

“The ground, the building, everything is so hot, you walk outside and you feel it’s going to burn you,” Pink Roadhouse owner Lynnie Plate said.

Mrs Plate said the Roadhouse couldn’t serve unleaded fuel after midday because it was vapourising and wouldn’t pump in the extreme heat.

That 48.2 is of course Celsius – which is equal to 118.7 Fahrenheit.

It’s supposed to be hotter Sunday.

(Do they make an SPF-5,000?)

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• 118.7? Pshaw!