An Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader PSA: Every National Park in the U.S. has free admission this coming week!
From our National Park Service:
Did you know that National Park Week is April 20-28, 2013?
Did you know that there are 401 national parks? That they include seashores, battlefields, historic homes, archeological sites, and spectacular natural areas?
Did you know there is at least one national park in every state? …
You can plan your visit by what you want to do, or where you want to go … or you can browse our event calendar and check out the special programs offered that week. Also, from Monday through Friday, April 22 to 26, every national park will have free admission!
Free admission—that’s a big savings if you go to a park with your family or a group of friends, just to note. Also, visit for more resources for this years free national park week.
And if you need a bit of a guidebook—we have a whole book on National Parks! (No way! What a coincidence!)
Some of the scintillating subjects you’ll find in this volume:
- Yosemite’s firefall and why it came to a sudden end
- How to avoid bear attacks, buffalo stampedes, and moose on the loose
- Ghosts, legends, and myths in the remotest parks of the country
- The wild horses of Assateague and why they still roam the island
- How an isolated tree in Yosemite inspired the most famous photograph of all time
- The history of Ellis Island National Park
- And a bunch more!
It’s available as an eBook too! (You’ll have to scroll down a bit to find it!)
That is all! Have a wonderful day! And we hope you can get to enjoy this years free national park week!