The New Fall TV Shows You Won’t Be Seeing

May 13, 2014

This month, the big 5 broadcast TV networks are unveiling their new schedules. Dozens of new shows made the cut…but here are some of the more intriguing ones that made a pilot episode that weren’t selected.

Fall TV Shows_DSClementine

A lifelong criminal has to go into hiding and explore her true origins…because she’s being stalked by two separate cults. Both think she has supernatural powers, and one wants her to use them for good, the other for evil. (passed on by ABC)

Tin Man

An idealistic young lawyer must defend a murderer…who is also a robot, and claims that he is innocent. (passed on by NBC)


A woman in need of an organ transplant finds a donor match: a well-connected family to which she didn’t know she was related. The CIA asks her to infiltrate the family (who gave her the organ) and take them down because they’re connected to a terrorist cell. (passed on by The CW)

Babylon Fields

Dead people in an upscale New York suburb are rising from the dead, and trying to resume their lives. All of the rotting they’d done as corpses is also healing remarkably fast, leading the community to believe that they are the next phase of human evolution. CBS picked up this show all the way back in 2007, but NBC considered it this year due to the success of the similar, walking-dead themed ABC hit Resurrection. (passed on by NBC)

Only Human

A medical drama about the world of doctors, hospitals, and high-stakes surgery. Except that some of those doctors are a set of quadruplets (three men, one woman), and also they grew up on a TV reality show. (passed on by CBS)