The Year’s Most Interesting State Ballot Measures

October 21, 2014

Voters in 42 states will vote on a total of 158 statewide ballot measures on Election Day. Here are some of the most interesting state ballot measures we found.

Interesting Ballot Measures 2014Alaska

Two major Alaskan industries will face off on Ballot Measure 4. If passed, it would prohibit oil mining in areas in which it would be deemed harmful to wild salmon fisheries.


Proposition 303 would allow patients to have access to experimental medical treatments that haven’t been through full clinical trials and that have not yet received FDA approval…provided that they are terminally ill.


This one sounds a little ominous, if you believe that all politicians are crooks. Amendment C would allow the state’s lieutenant governor, state auditor, and treasurer the right to appoint their own attorneys.


This state has several counties that are “dry,” where alcohol cannot be purchased. If Issue 4 passes, there would be no more dry places—alcohol would be legal to buy, consume, and manufacture statewide.

South Carolina

Amazingly, raffles are illegal in the state, considered a form of gambling. If Amendment 1 passes, raffles would be made legal, but only for charities and non-profit organization.


Many countries have week-long or weekend-long voting periods, not just a day. Amendment 6 would create a six-day early voting period.

New York

Do you pay any bills “paperless,” or electronically over the Internet? Proposal 2 would allow legislators to file their bills—meaning laws—electronically, saving lots of paper by not having to print them out for the dozens of other lawmakers.

North Dakota

If Measure 8 passes, it would be illegal for the public school year to begin before Labor Day.


“No new taxes”? Exactly. Amendment 3 would prevent the state legislature from create any new payroll or personal income taxes.

South Dakota

You probably know Deadwood as one of the most notorious Old West towns, filled with gold miners spending their loot on booze, gambling, and prostitutes (as depicted in the 2004-06 HBO series Deadwood.). Although voting is legal in South Dakota, it only applies to cards and slot machines. Voters in South Dakota will vote on Amendment Q, which would once allow other types of gambling in Deadwood, such as roulette, keno & craps.