Government agencies in the past week have approved for sale some bizarre and potentially lucrative substances. Only two of the three are real, and the third one we made up. Can you guess which? The answer is at the end of the post.
With four states having legalized recreational marijuana use, new ways to consume the drug have hit the market, and have sought out FDA approval. Among those are one that has just been legally cleared for manufacture and consumption: POTatoes. They’re a frozen food made from dried potato flakes and marijuana. They’re baked in an oven, and taste like French fries.
The U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (ATF) has approved the manufacture and sale of powdered alcohol. The manufacturer of one of the brands lobbying for its sale says that it can be mixed into water to make a cocktail, or can even be sprinkled on food. Either way, it’s largely flavorless and leads directly to drunkenness.
The FDA has approved the sale of a drug that causes fat to melt away. Using a common insulin syringe, the drug is injected directly into fatty parts of the body (such as a double chin, or fatty pockets around the abdomen). Then, over the course of the next few weeks, the fat cells shrink and the fatty pocket goes away.
Want more things that seem true but aren’t true? Then check out Uncle John’s Fake Facts. (Really!)