10 Interesting Trivia Facts About Pi

10 Interesting Trivia Facts About Pi

August 10, 2015

Unlike that fascinating mathematical ratio, this article doesn’t go on forever. We hope you enjoy these interesting trivia facts about Pi. 

  • 10 Interesting Trivia Facts About PiPi is a ratio used to measure the circumference and area of a circle, tricky business because circles don’t have finite corners. That makes pi (3.14…etc.) go on, seemingly and probably, forever, and in a random sequence.
  • Pi memorization record: In 2005, 24-year-old Chinese graduate student Lu Chao was recognized by Guinness for reciting pi to the 67,890th digit. It took him 24 hours and four minutes to get through all those numbers.
  • Pi is presicse. If the Earth’s circumference were calculated using pi only to the ninth digit, that would result in an error of only a quarter of an inch per every 25,000 miles.
  • Pi-oneer: Ludoph van Ceulen’s life’s work was calculating pi, before anyone else had sat down to do it. When he died at age 70 in 1610, the digits of pi he’d calculated were engraved on his tombstone: all 36 of them.
  • Other names in history and math circles for pi: “circular constant,” “Archimedes’ constant,” and “Ludolph’s number.”
  • Another pi calculator was 19th century mathematician William Shanks. He calculated the first 707 digits…sort of. He made a mistake at the 527th place and had to go back.
  • The longest sequence of numbers in order to show up in the first million digits of pi is “12345.” It shows up eight separate times.
  • Pi has been calculated to 1.24 trillion digits and counting. The method was created in 2002 by Japanese scientists who used a Hitachi SR 8000 supercomputer.
  • In 1897, the Indiana General Assembly (the state legislature) considered a bill that would set the value of pi by law…at 3.2.
  • When is International Pi Day? March 14, or 3/14, of course.