We hope these heifer-vescent cow facts really m-o-o-o-o-ve you.
The first American cows arrived with the British in 1611 at the Jamestown colony.
It takes about 350 “squirts” to make a gallon of milk.
How can you tell how old a cow is? Count the rings on her horns.
Cows were first domesticated about 5,000 years ago.
While many animals only see in black and white, cows see in color (except red).
Natural lifespan of a cow: about 25 years.
Cows can clean their noses with their tongues.
Cows eat about 80 pounds of feed per day. But cow feed is cheap—it only costs about $4.
Cows navigate by looking at the ground. If one is stuck in a field that’s covered in water, she has no idea where she is.
A typical cow generates about 20,000 pounds of manure in a year.
Because their eyes protrude slightly, cows have panoramic vision, allowing them to see nearly 360° around.
Stand back: If a cow dies of heatstroke, the gases inside it can expand rapidly and cause the carcass to explode.
The average dairy cow produces nearly 200,000 glasses of milk in her lifetime. (She’ll have to drink about 30 gallons of water a day—enough to fill a bathtub—to do it.)
Cows don’t tear grass out of the ground with their teeth. They wrap their tongues around it and pull.
Good news: If the gas of 10 cows could be captured, it could heat a house for a year.
Bad news: The methane gas released by cows’ burping and farting is said to be one of the leading causes of holes in the ozone layer. The world’s cows produce about 100 million tons of it every year.
A study found that cows give 35% more milk when listening to Elvis Presley music.