The 13th Constellation is Back

Shouldn’t Your Horoscope Have Predicted This Would Happen

October 21, 2016

Bad news: Your horoscope has been wrong this entire time. By which we mean it’s been wrong forever. (If you believe in that kind of stuff, we mean.) Those “Star Signs” are based on real collections of stars in the night sky, and NASA just made a big discovery about them. 
The 13th Constellation is Back
According to recent research and an announcement from NASA (who usually handles astronomy and not astrology) there aren’t 12 zodiac constellations in the “celestial sphere” of stars above Earth. There are 13. Oops. It would seem that went the Western “zodiac” horoscope system was established 3,000 years ago in Babylonia, those in charge wanted the different star signs to correspond to a 12-month calendar. That meant one of the 13 constellations had to be abandoned—Ophiuchus (also known as Serpentarius) got the boot. (Welcome back, Ophiuchus!)
Of course, with 13 constellations, that means there are now also 13 corresponding star signs. While each zodiac sign previously covered about a month of the calendar year, the 13 are now split up to cover about three weeks and change a piece. And chances are, your astrological sign is going to change. To make room for Ophiuchus, the birthdates corresponding to all the other signs have been pushed back a few weeks. For example, Virgo used to stretch from late August to late September—it now covers those born between August 10 and September 16.
If it doesn’t change, it’s only because you’re getting a new one. The newest zodiac symbol is Ophiuchus. It covers birthdays between November 29 and December 17. And as the Cancer is represented by a Crab and Pisces by Fish, Ophiuchus is “the snake bearer.” Qualities and characteristics “assigned” to those in that zodiac: a skepticism of authority, a willingness to fight for a cause, secretive, and wise. Those with this symbol are also said to be generally successful in life, enjoy bright colors, and dress well.