These are the singers and bands recently nominated for enshrinement into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame…and some bizarre and interesting trivia about them. Rock on!
Def Leppard
The ‘80s heavy metal / hair metal band (“Photograph,” “Rock of Ages”) misspelled its name on purpose. The name was originally Deaf Leopard, but they got the idea to alter it from “Led Zeppelin.”
In 2005, the flower-pot wearing New Wave band of social critics somehow turned their songs about lust and paranoia into family-appropriate material via an all-child band called Devo 2.0.
Janet Jackson
On the singer’s “Rhythm Nation” tour in 1990, part of the stage set involved a panther roaming around the stage to hold the audience’s attention during costume changes. Jackson sent the cat home after just a few weeks because one night she slipped on a puddle of panther pee and almost hurt herself.
John Prine
The singer-songwriter served in the Vietnam War for two years, stationed in Germany. He didn’t get his start in music until the relatively late age of 24, when he was discovered performing in Chicago by Kris Kristofferson.
Its 1974 single “Autobahn” hit #25 on the American pop chart, making it one of the first all-electronic songs to ever be a hit in the U.S., as well as one of the few German-language hits, too.
They’re a ‘70s funk band best known for the hit “Tell Me Something Good” and for launching the career of singer Chaka Khan. The group is actually an evolution of the mildly successful ‘60s pop band the American Breed, who had one big hit with “Bend Me, Shape Me.”
Stevie Nicks
She became a huge star when she joined Fleetwood Mac, a pre-existing and successful blues band, in the mid-‘70s. She was recruited alongside Lindsay Buckingham, with whom Nicks had recorded a single album in 1973 called Buckingham Nicks. Despite her tremendous success with both Fleetwood Mac and as a solo performer, Buckingham Nicks has never been made available after its small, initial run on vinyl.
The Cure
The goth-rock ‘80s band began in 1976 as a punk-influenced group called the Obelisk. Then the name changed to Malice. Then Easy Cure. Then finally just “The Cure.”
Todd Rundgren
As much a technically brilliant producer and engineer as he is a musician (“Hello, It’s Me”), he invented a full-color computer tablet in 1980…30 years before Apple unveiled the iPad.