Based on the author’s love of things weird, bizarre, and strange, Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader Greatest Know on Earth is an all-new collection of curiosities and oddities throughout the ages. A nonfiction book with dazzling facts, jaw-dropping blunders, and astounding lists of trivia, this impeccably-researched compendium includes a range of single-page articles to extended page-turners.
Tune in on Tuesday, June 15th as Gordon discusses his UJBR books and shares some of the weirdest Father’s Day factoids from Uncle John’s Greatest Know on Earth Bathroom Reader.
- 5:30 a.m. Metro South, Ron Van Dam Show
- 5:40 a.m. WGVU-FM (NPR), Local Morning Edition
- 5:50 a.m. Syndicated, John and Heidi Show, LIVE
- 6:05 a.m. WDUN-AM/FM, Morning Show
- 6:12 a.m. WPHM-AM, Morning Drive, LIVE
- 6:30 a.m. WYAD-FM, Conversations Live
- 6:45 a.m. WKNY-AM, Morning Show, LIVE
- 8:40 a.m. Syndicated, Joy on Paper, LIVE
- 9:10 a.m. WBEV-AM & WXRO-FM, Break Time, LIVE
- 11:45 a.m. Syndicated, Neil Haley Show
- 12:00 p.m. Syndicated, Douglas Coleman Show
- 1:30 p.m. Sirius XM, Krystal Nation
All Times are Pacific Standard Time
Uncle John's Greatest Know on Earth Bathroom Reader
About the author: The life of Gordon “Uncle John” Javna, editor-in-chief and publisher of the Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader series, reads like one of his books. There’s a lot of fun, intriguing—often odd—information lurking around every corner. He went to art school, and then went on to become a musician, real-estate developer, writer, restaurateur, president of a pre-school, brew pub owner, and editor—not all at once, mind you, but he has been all of these things. Eventually, though, he realized that because of his love of fascinating facts (and being a bathroom reader himself), he was naturally suited, perhaps even destined, to bring the joy of trivia to the world in a fun, informative way. He assumed the pseudonym Uncle John for the Bathroom Reader series and since then, Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader has become the longest-running, most popular series of its kind in the publishing industry. To date, there are more than 15 million Uncle John’s Bathroom Readers in print and his fanatical flock of followers span from Australia to the United Kingdom and beyond. Guided by their obsession with unusual trivia, amazing origins, and forgotten history, Gordon “Uncle John” Javna and his staff at the Bathroom Readers' Institute have made Uncle John’s Bathroom Readers a must-have for book and gift stores worldwide for over two decades. Gordon continues to expand his porcelain province from his throne room in Portland, Oregon.