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Uncle John's Endlessly Engrossing Bathroom Reader (eBook)


eBookPrint Book

$14.99 USD ($16.99 CAD)

  • Age range: 0 and up
  • Pages: 544 pp.
  • FormateBook
  • On Sale: October 1, 2011
  • ISBN 13: 9781607104599

The BRI’s 22nd all-new edition—Uncle John’s Endlessly Engrossing Bathroom Reader–is like reading several books all rolled into one: a history book, a weird news anthology, a science text, a dictionary, a how-to manual, a sports magazine, a joke book…and the list goes on and on. Where else could you learn about the lost cloud people of Peru, the world’s first detective, and the history of surfing? Uncle John rules the world of information and humor, so get ready to be thoroughly entertained. Read all about…

* Soda pop flops
* Spider farms
* England’s Secret UFO Files
* Real hillbilly recipes
* Webster’s least-wanted words
* Super-trains
* And much more!