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Uncle John's Facts to Go Mad Science (eBook)


$2.99 USD ($3.99 CAD)

  • Pages: 50 pp.
  • FormateBook
  • On Sale: January 1, 2014
  • ISBN 13: 9781626861596
From the amazing to the amusing, this byte-sized collection will bring you the inside stories behind earth-shattering discoveries, accidental inventions, and outlandish studies. Featuring Uncle John’s most mind-bending science articles–along with a few all-new “experiments”–this book will make you think, make you laugh, and make you ask yourself, “What the heck were they thinking?” Get ready to cackle like a mad scientist as you uncover the truth about…


– The mystery of Tesla’s death ray machine
– How to reanimate the dead
– The next space race: Interstellar travel 
– Serendipity: The origins of the microwave oven and Silly Putty
– The eccentric Dr. Einstein
– The simple science behind nuclear fission
– “Pigeons’ Ability to Discriminate Between Monet and Picasso” and other strange-but-true studies
– Toilets in Spaaaaace!
And much, much more!