Wednesday Wrap (Now with more Friday!)

May 7, 2010

Last week we started a brand new “Wednesday Wrap” feature that let’s you quickly look at what’s been going on for the last week at Uncle John’s Blog. And this week I went out of town. So the second Wednesday Wrap comes today, on Friday. Right to it:

WEDNESDAY, April 28—UK prime minister gets foot in his mouth disease.

THURSDAY, April 29As the World Melts: researchers find ancient weapons in the Canadian Arctic

FRIDAY, April 30th—News of another overturned oil rig in Louisiana, and Kangaroos in the Noos.

MONDAY, May 3rd—May 3rd in NASCAR History, the Allison Crash, and RIP Lynn Redgrave.

WEDNESDAY, May 5th—New Releases: Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader Plunges into Canada, eh is now available.

THURSDAY, May 6thAsteroid heading to Earth in June!

• And that’s a Wrap!

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