Because you can’t get good toilet paper news just anywhere.
• Interesting toilet paper holders.
• The toilet paper wedding dress. (I do. Eww.)
• Newark, New Jersey mayor: No toilet paper for city offices. (Read it and wipe weep.)
• One more thing to do at work that’s not work!
• Say hello to my two-ply friend!
• Toilet papers of the rich and stupid.
• And finally: What your toilet paper does during a tornado:
HUGO, Minnesota – As residents in Hugo begin to move on from last week’s tornado, some say they noticed a few bizarre things amid all the damage. Jason Akins said the twister unwound a roll of toilet paper in his bathroom — draped it across the countertop, then rewound it in the sink. The toilet paper didn’t even rip.
“All I could say was, ‘You have got to be kidding me,'” Akins recalled.